Rancho Simi Community Park

January 11, 2020


Located in the city of Simi Valley in California, Rancho Simi Community Park is a recreational park that has several amenities. It features an amphitheater, picnic facilities, and horseshoe pits. The park is operated by the Simi Valley Parks Department.

This community park is conveniently located at Royal Avenue and Erringer Avenue. The park offers picnic areas and is accessible to people of all ages. Besides the amphitheater, the park also features several playgrounds. There are even electrical outlets and parking stalls.

Although this is a public park, it has been kept in a clean and safe condition. You can expect to find lifeguards on duty at the park. In addition, you can enjoy a wide variety of attractions such as a man-made duck pond, soccer fields, and a basketball court. Also, you can bring your pets to the park.

During the time when Rancho Simi was still a part of the Simi Valley school district, the Simi Athletic Association was created. Members of this group began organizing activities for children. They subsequently became involved with the creation of a separate Park and Recreation District. These groups were concerned that there was a lack of adequate park land in the area. A poll was held and the population voted in favor of the formation of the Park and Recreation District.

As the population of the city began to increase, citizens expressed their desire for more parks. The Larwin Corporation offered a donation of a portion of their property. They suggested that the site be called King’spark, Bardot Park, or Berylwood. After extensive discussion, the Park and Recreation District selected Berylwood as the name of the park.

Moreover, the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District has provided meaningful recreation programs and opportunities to learn. The district also maintains pools, museums, and other recreational sites. Providing great parks for the residents of the region is the primary goal of the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District. With its diverse offerings, the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park district prides itself on its outstanding parks.

For families looking for a place to take their children, this park is a good option. Children can enjoy a reservable amphitheater, tot lot, and lighted basketball courts. Additionally, there are horseshoe pits and uncovered picnic tables. Lastly, the park has restrooms and an outdoor swimming pool.

Considering all of the options available at the Rancho Simi Community Park, it’s no wonder that so many visitors choose this park to spend a day with their families. The park is well-maintained and there is a friendly staff. Besides, the prices of this park are reasonable.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Rancho Simi Community Park, you should read the following reviews and opinions. They provide insight on the park and answer a few of the most commonly asked questions. Hopefully, they can help you decide whether this park is right for you and your family. Whether you’re just visiting or are a local, you’ll be sure to find everything you’re looking for at this great Simi Valley, CA park.

The Regal Simi Valley Civic Center & IMAX